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    SLAC’s new X-ray beamline aids COVID-19 research
    Scientists are deploying this state-of-the-art X-ray crystallography facility to study biological molecules related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    How clean water technologies could get a boost from X-ray synchrotrons
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    Wah Chiu appointed first Wallenberg-Bienenstock Professor at SLAC and Stanford
    A pioneer in developing methods for cryogenic electron microscopy, he directs two joint facilities for cryo-EM research and development on the SLAC campus.
    Photo of Professor Wah Chui with a cryo-electron micrcoscope
    SLAC’s upgraded X-ray laser facility produces first light
    Marking the beginning of the LCLS-II era, the first phase of the major upgrade comes online.
    new undulator hall
    How iron transforms under pressure
    New research could offer insights into the formation of planets like Earth and inform the design of...
    Looping X-rays to produce higher quality laser pulses
    A proposed device could expand the reach of X-ray lasers, opening new experimental avenues in biolog...
    Stanford-led team shows how to store data using 2D materials instead of silicon chips
    Researchers have invented a way to slide atomically-thin layers of 2D materials over one another to...
    多多网游加速器官网永久免费版v6.60下载-多多网游加速器永久 ...:2021-6-12 · 多多网游加速器官网永久免费版是一款免费的网游加速器,玩家使用本加速器,可伍针对市面主流的网络游戏进行网络加速,包括大热游戏英雄联盟、魔兽世界、绝地求生等各种玩家喜爱的游戏,本加速器都可伍有效降低游戏延迟,做到0丢包、不卡顿。
    The prestigious awards provide at least $2.5 million over five years in support of their work in und...
    SLAC staff scientists Amy Cordones-Hahn and Brendan O'Shea
    SLAC and Stanford scientists home in on pairs of atoms that boost a catalyst’s activity
    They discovered the messy environment of a chemical reaction can actually change the shape of a cata...

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    SLAC and Berkeley Lab team up for virtual summer program accelerating girls’ engagement in STEM
    This 3.2 gigapixel camera will record a timelapse of the universe
    How does Neptune produce diamond rain? Scientists explain.
    Why Neptune and Uranus rain diamonds
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    USA’s Battery500 initiative has achieved Li-metal battery energy density of 350 Wh/kg

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    SLAC Staff
    Research Partners

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    电脑加速器永久免费版SLAC joins the global fight against COVID-19

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    Public Lecture | A Sparkle in the Dark: The Outlandish Quest for Dark MatterA Sparkle in the Dark: The Outlandish Quest for Dark Matter

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    Aerial Linac
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